

In a world increasingly driven by expectations and societal norms, the idea of dealing with people as they are, rather than how we expect them to be, holds transformative potential.  While it’s easy to imagine a world where everyone adheres to a shared ideal, the reality is far more complex. To achieve lasting peace, we must shift our focus from how people should be to understanding and embracing how they are. By doing so, we can cultivate genuine empathy, foster meaningful connections, and navigate our differences in ways that strengthen rather than divide us. My view point begins with practical steps to engage with others on their own terms, and here’s how we can start. The burden of expectations. From a young age, we are conditioned to conform to certain standards and expectations. These can range from career choices and personal behavior to physical appearance and social interactions. While some expectations are necessary for societal functioning, many are arbitrary and can stifle


In the intricate tapestry of our existence, the world unfolds as a complex construct, weaving together a myriad of experiences, emotions, and challenges. Beneath the surface of our daily lives lies a profound reality — one where suffering is an intrinsic thread that intertwines with the fabric of human existence. From the dawn of civilization to the present day, the human journey has been marked by an intricate interplay of joy and pain. The complexities of our world manifest in various forms, encompassing economic disparities, social injustices, environmental crises, and the relentless pursuit of individual and collective aspirations. In this intricate web, the shadows of suffering cast their presence, influencing the very essence of our shared human experience. Economic disparities create chasms between the privileged and the disenfranchised, leaving countless souls grappling with the harsh realities of poverty, hunger, and inequality. Social injustices breed systemic discrimination,


First and foremost, life is a journey that is unique to each individual. It is filled with ups and downs, successes and failures, joy and pain. The experiences we have shape us into the people we are today and influence the decisions we make moving forward. It's important to remember that life is not always fair, but we have the power to control how we react to the circumstances we encounter. It's also essential to surround ourselves with positive influences, whether that be through friends, family, or hobbies, to help us stay motivated and focused on our goals. Finding a sense of purpose and meaning in life can also be incredibly fulfilling. This could involve pursuing a passion, helping others, or contributing to a cause we care about. Ultimately, life is about making the most of the time we have, and finding happiness and contentment in the process. So how can one live with the fact that he is not making it in life currently  Feeling like you are not making progress in life


The distressing life comes with a range of challenges depression, lack of jobs, academic tension, drugs, diseases etc. On the flip side Life is a journey this is a fact that shouldn’t be swept under the carpet and ignored. And defiantly Just like any journey it comes with a range of challenges These challenges range from post-Grad problems. The post-grad challenges include the choice to continue studying or not, losing old friends and making new ones, comparing yourself to others, adulting, the post-Grad learning curve and funding your post grad life.  Getting his/her initial job which may be hard to get because the job market now days is largely based on connections making it hard to win and make ends meet. . Problems in ones relationship arena. Since relationships mostly centered on money which is the most common issue that causes conflict in a relationship. Whether it’s having different financial resources, different views about the importance of money, or spending habits, money iss


When you having hardships in life there is doubt in your mind and heart to go through it you just need more time to accept what your mind already knows because It knows better!! When you decide something basing on your emotions you end up messing a smart mind will always give smart solutions!! Make peace with the situation. Now is not the time to blame others for what happened. Moping around and feeling sorry for yourself will do you no good, and can actually sabotage your ability to come up with solutions and next steps forward. It’s important that you consider what mistakes or missteps you might have made. Spend time processing what you could have done differently and take responsibility for your actions. Make peace with what happened. Accept the situation for what it is, and then move on. As Steve Jobs said, “Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It’s best to admit them quickly and get on with improving your other innovations.” COMPOSERS Ainemukama Rebecca https://yout


Therre are 2 types of Laws of finance: 1} LAW OF POVERTY. 2} LAW OF WEALTH. *1} LAW OF POVERTY: This law states that work alone or work under someone and remain poor for the rest of your life. 95% of people in the world are living under this law. The people under this law make use of their credentials, they have ego, they seek for job, they have someone called boss, they receive salary which is fixed amount.         *B.O.S.S* B= Building O= On S=  Some one S=  Success *S.A.L.A.R.Y* S= Something A= Always L= Low A= And R= Reduces Y= You These people are called the working class. They always look for job. *J.O.B* J= Journey  O= Of the B= Borrowers *2} LAW OF WEALTH:  This law states that work with a team or group of people and remain wealthy forever, it is just 5% of people in the world that are living under this law. The people under this law make use of their potentials, and they are called the thinking class, they think of what to offer to the society and in turn make money. These peo


Some people want to be happy, some people want to be rich and then there is you, you just want to be okay.